What we don't do
We are not one of those large companies who robotically churn out CVs almost on an industrial scale.
Unlike other companies, we don't entrust your CV to general freelancers (many of whom lack the experience and genuine writing talent needed to produce top-quality CVs).
We don't use the same old standard, flawed and outdated CV writing methods as other companies.
We don't use false statistics or gimmicks as a marketing ploy. We don't need to, and wouldn't do it even if we didn't always have a waiting list.
What we do
We are a select, small handpicked team of the very best CV specialists in the business.
Write the very best executive CVs that you will get anywhere, from any professional CV service.
Your CV will be meticulously handcrafted using the most modern and effective CV writing techniques. Click for more details.
We are honest, open and transparent, and clients are welcome to contact us any time and ask any question.
We offer a friendly, personal and highly professional service with quality, customer service and results as our focus.
Uniquely, we are so confident that you will not get a better executive CV anywhere else that we go as far as to guarantee it!
Write the very best executive CVs that you will get anywhere, from any professional CV service
More about ExecutiveCVServices.co.uk
Firstly a little bit more about us compared to other specialist curriculum vitae firms
The vast majority of CV companies are actually quite similar, and frequently they draw from the same pool of freelancers, to produce similar CVs, using the same kinds of methods.
Unsurprisingly, the results are quite similar too.
We, on the other hand are different, and do things differently. Notably, we are not different just for the sake of it. Indeed, if conventional CV writing methodology achieved the best results then we too would fall in line, and write using more traditional techniques. However, it doesn't so we don't either.

Our methods
Our methods have their base more in sales and marketing techniques, rather than traditional curriculum vitae writing methods. There are many reasons why our CVs are different to those of other companies, and if we were to try to explain every single difference we could be here all day - but in a nutshell, our CVs say more whilst using fewer words. The net result is something which is more focused, concentrated and ultimately more powerful and higher impact.
The writing
Traditional CV writing methods tend to be somewhat haphazard on numerous fronts. One of these fronts revolves around space constraints - or more notably, a lack of them.
It is far easier to write without strict space constraints than it is to write with them. This doesn't sound very important, but it is, because if you write your CV in a relatively haphazard and unstructured manner then almost inevitably you will end up with something which is either too long, too cluttered or both. This is extremely significant as both of these things have major repercussions such as adversely affecting presentation, first impressions and the way your vital sales message is delivered and gets across.
The vast majority of CV writers don't write with very precise space constraints in mind, and they do so for two main reasons; firstly, many are just unaware of the consequences of not doing so, and secondly, even if they understand the ramifications, actually putting the theory into practice is far easier said than done. Indeed, writing succinctly yet powerfully is a very specialist skill, and takes a lot more time, effort and expertise than most people, even most professional CV companies, realise.
Our writers
As regards our small team of specialist writers, they are different too. Led by Paul, arguably the UK's top CV writer, and published career sector author, we are very confident that our consultants are the best in the business. They are all intelligent, highly qualified and vastly experienced. Not only this, but they are all genuinely talented creative writers. Some people underestimate this last trait, but it is hugely significant. Yes, there is method, structure and science to CV writing, but ultimately it is a creative art form - and especially at top-level. The very best writers can say and do things that other writers can't - and it shows. Not only that, but it most certainly affects results too.
Going back to the issue of space constraints, our writers are leaders in the field of getting optimum value out of the very limited space you have to sell yourself on your CV. Indeed, our writers frequently sell the skills of our clients twice as much, and in half the words as other writers.
Our recruitment process
The above point about saying twice as much in half the words as other curriculum vitae writers may sound somewhat unrealistic. However, it is perfectly realistic, and it is something that we do on a daily basis. And have done so for years.
One of the reasons why we can do what other companies can't boils down to our recruitment process. We don't just draw from the same pool of freelancers as other companies. On the contrary, all of our work is conducted in-house by what we believe to be the cream of the crop of curriculum vitae consultants.
Over the years we have hundreds of applications from prospective writers, including many professional CV writers from other companies. Rather than just take their claims at face value, we always give each applicant a series of tests, and these tests primarily revolve around testing their ability to write very powerfully within very tight space constraints.
It is something which may sound easy on the service, but it certainly sorts out the wheat from the chaff, and the vast majority of applicants fail at the very first hurdle. This isn't so surprising because it is actually far easier said than done, and writing to our methods requires a very special skill set that includes intelligence, creative prowess, meticulous attention to detail, a special way with words and a sales and marketing brain.
Only very few individuals are cut out to make the grade with us.
This is disappointing for the many applicants who don't make the grade, but our clients come first, they expect the best - and they are not going to get that with average, good or even very good writers.
Our ethos
Another key trait regarding our company is that we are very customer orientated. This isn't forced, it's all very natural and all of our consultants are naturally friendly, customer-focused and want to do the very best job they can for our clients.
As part of our recruitment process don't actually test for this, but it is something that we do look out for - and is something that we can get a handle on very quickly.
We not only want you to have the best possible CV, but we also want you to enjoy and appreciate the unique and special service that only we offer.
We are confident that you will.
ExecutiveCVServices is a trading name of e-Fervour Ltd | Registered Company Number 04343365 | VAT Number 979103984