LinkedIn profiles

LinkedIn is now an essential tool for professionals and executives at all levels not only for networking but as an additional source of job offers.

Head hunters and agencies use LinkedIn extensively as a source of potential candidates.

Your CV and LinkedIn profile must complement each other and importantly contain the appropriate search words and terms for your profession or you won’t be found.

It is no longer good enough to just upload your CV to LinkedIn. If you can’t have a good Linked in entry then it is better to have none.

LinkedIn is becoming increasingly popular, and more and more executives are using LinkedIn as an effective career networking resource.

Since your LinkedIn profile is public, it reflects on you as well as being a reflection of you.
You need to make a good impression, and if you want to make the most of LinkedIn, then you need the best possible LinkedIn profile.

We give you just that.

Click to order your LinkedIn profile separately.
Or click to save up to £115 by ordering it with your CV.





*This saving is based on MD/CEO CV packages with Paul as the writer. Different savings apply for other options.

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All your information is safe and secure. This entire transaction is on a secure server using Secure Socket Layer (SSL).

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Case Study

Executive Banker LinkedIn profile case study…Click here


LinkedIn Tips

100 Top LinkedIn tips and advice…Click here