No gimmicks

Not every executive CV company offers you what we can. In fact, no other company offers you everything we do! Please click here for more details.

Not only this, but unlike some companies, we don’t need to spout suspect statistics or resort to marketing gimmicks to attract custom. We are busy enough as it is, and even if we weren’t, we wouldn’t do it anyway.

Consequently, we won’t insult your intelligence via unverifiable / easily manipulated statistics, and we won’t try to deflect your attention from your real priority (i.e. a top quality, job winning CV) by tales of unnecessary sweeteners such as 10 printed copies of your CV, or your CV on a CD. Even talk of one-hour consultations are effectively just marketing gimmicks. If you want to speak to us on the telephone as part of the requirements gathering process then that’s fine, and we can do this – but we won’t bump up the price or add an additional premium just for the privilege. Nor will we even pretend that telephone consultations are more useful than e-mail when it comes to requirement gathering. Frequently it isn’t, and we can usually get a much better picture of client requirements when they send us their current CV plus some notes including details of their job targets in an e-mail, rather than spending an hour describing something that is already detailed more accurately and reliably in their CV and job specification.

Significantly, we are used to helping very busy executives, and many of our clients don’t want us to take up any more of their precious time than we need to. Frequently therefore, we find that clients are very appreciative of the fact that we can work on our own initiative via e-mail, rather than forcing them to talk to us for an hour about something that would take them a matter of minutes to just jot down in an e-mail.

Hopefully you will have ascertained by now that we are not a typical CV company. We are honest, upfront and very transparent. Yes we are confident too, and we do genuinely believe that you will not find a better executive CV writing service anywhere in the world, at any price. We realise that this is some claim, but at the same time we also (quite uniquely) back this up with the strongest guarantee in the sector.

That is not a gimmick – it’s a cast-iron promise that other companies can’t (and don’t) match!