
Working out how your boss thinks

CATEGORY: Job and career related news/articles
POSTED: January 3, 2020

Have you – of course you have, we all have – missed a promotion, been 1 of 95 applicants and reminded you’re dispensable, seen a company you believe you’ve helped survive carry on regardless after you’ve left? Yes, yes and yes. We like to feel important – we all do, I’m no different – but Continue Reading

What is Corporate Strategic Planning?

CATEGORY: Job and career related news/articles
POSTED: January 2, 2020

This is something I pondered, based on research, on businesses’ success or failure. It presents nothing more than a piece to ponder – the broad-brush approach which, I think, is either not undertaken at all, or perhaps undertaken disjointedly, and which is then why some businesses fail. A good example of this is, and isn’t, Continue Reading

The best way for leaders to help their teams help the business

CATEGORY: Job and career related news/articles
POSTED: January 1, 2020

Many studies have shown that the more styles a leader shows, the better. Leaders who have grasped four or more—what are sometimes noted as being a kind of ceiling or roof that covers everything else: the authoritative, democratic, affiliative, and coaching styles—have the very best business performance. And the most effective leaders switch flexibly among Continue Reading

To get on, you have to grin and bear it

CATEGORY: Job and career related news/articles
AUTHOR: admin
POSTED: October 24, 2019

Imagine yourself in a close race, maybe pitching your startup to a highly sought-after investor, or going after a coveted job opening. Now envisage you could choose one of two possible outcomes: a narrow win — you just beat the closest competitor — or a near miss. Would you rather be the slight win or Continue Reading

Should your past hold you back?

CATEGORY: Job and career related news/articles
AUTHOR: admin

How often do you feel you’ve been passed over for promotion because someone thinks your earlier performance wasn’t great; or been promoted, perhaps, you feel, too early, based again on past performance? In essence, has your long-term or recent past performance resulted in the promotion you now have, or not, received. And, do you feel, Continue Reading