Bios for executives and directors

Our professional writers are highly creative and skilled in the art of writing personal and company bios for executives and boards of directors.

In addition to writing executive bios for external use, for example, for publicity, for use with bids and tenders, and for use in publications we also help companies write bios for directors for internal use or for their intranet site.

Most clients just order one executive bio, although occasionally clients with different skill sets order two separate ones; each with a different focus.

Typically executive bios are concise, and most clients specifically request a concise bio. That said, we are flexible writers, and if you need a longer bio then just let us know. Similarly, if you have any other specific requirements then please just let us know and we can give you a free, no obligation quotation.

In the first instance please just contact us using any of the methods on our contact page with details of your request.