Professional MD / CEO / CHAIRMAN CV Services
Feefo Independent Client Reviews

Consultant | CV only | CV + Cover letter | LinkedIn Profile only | Full Package (CV + Cover letter + LinkedIn Profile) |
Sylvia / Natalie | £499 add to cart | £549 add to cart | £275 add to cart | £699(Save £125) add to cart |
Paul | £1195 add to cart | £1249 add to cart | £375 add to cart | £1399(Save £225) add to cart |
consultantCV only
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CV + cover letter
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LinkedIn Profile only
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Full Package (CV + cover letter + LinkedIn profile)
£699(Save £125)
click to orderconsultantCV only
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CV + cover letter
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LinkedIn Profile only
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Full Package (CV + cover letter + LinkedIn profile)
£1399(Save £225)
click to order
* VAT is applicable for UK based clients
* Please note that you make savings when ordering the full package as one, rather than separately.
* If you also require a second CV then we do discount multiple CV orders.
* VAT is applicable for UK based clients
* Price/quality information
* For more details on why the prices differ depending upon the consultant please click here.
* Please note that you make savings when ordering the full package as one, rather than separately.
* If you also require a second CV then we do discount multiple CV orders. In the first instance please email us with details and we can give you a quotation.Got a question?
No problem – please just call or email us and we’ll be happy to help.
Alternatively, please click on your preferred package above to add your items to your shopping cart. You can change, add or remove items prior to checking out.
Offsetting our fee against tax
If you require a VAT invoice with the aim offsetting our fees against tax we can provide one for you. Just let us know when you order.
More details about our Managing Director (MD) /Chief Executive Officer (CEO) / Chairman CV service
Who is it for?
We have vast experience creating top quality CVs for managing directors and chief executive officers of small, medium and large companies, including multinationals, both in the UK and all round the world.
In addition to helping MDs/CEOs/Chairman into good, well-paid permanent jobs, we also help senior professionals into board level consultancy and interim roles.
How can you help me?
Top board level jobs are much sought after. Competition is often intense, and it is almost inevitable that you will be up against high-calibre, experienced candidates.
That much is fact. Another truth is that you frequently only get one chance to impress when you apply for top jobs, and often the quality of your CV is absolutely vital to the success (or otherwise) of your applications.
The main way in which we help people really boils down to giving you an advantage over your competitors - an advantage that you wouldn't have writing your curriculum vitae by yourself, nor by having it professionally written anywhere else.
How do you do this?
More details about our special team and our unique methods are given elsewhere on this website, and you are very welcome to click on the links and find out more at your leisure. However, in a nutshell, the CVs we create for our clients tend to be clearer, better optimised, more focused, more relevant and more proactive than CVs that are typically produced elsewhere. If you do the above, then almost inevitably your CV becomes more powerful as well as higher impact.
Can you make a difference?
Most definitely!
We not only can, but often do make a significant difference to your job and career prospects.
How do I order?
It is very straightforward to place your order. In the first instance just choose your preferred options above, then follow the links to checkout. Most people order directly online, but if you want to order over the telephone then that is fine. We take payment by credit card, debit card, PayPal, or bank wire.
What happens next?
Once you have placed your order you should receive an automatic e-mail that you can reply to. This will invite you to send your current curriculum vitae along with details of your target job(s) together with anything else you think is relevant.
Once we have received this your consultant will examine and assess your documents and any notes and advise you. Sometimes we do require additional information. If so, then your consultant will let you know just what, and can guide you.
This initial phase is important, because it helps us gather your requirements and ensure that we are working to the exact job/career goals that you want us to.
Can I ask any questions?
Most certainly!
If you have any questions or queries at all you are very welcome to ask us at any point in the process from pre-ordering right through to our free after sales service. At the same time, many commonly asked questions are already answered in our frequently asked questions section. Moreover, you will find that the content on our website is clear and transparent.
When will I receive my CV?
It is important to remember that if you want the best results (which we are sure you do), then quality does take time. Given this, and also the fact that we always have a waiting list, it does inevitably take a while before we send you your CV. Usually this is between 12 and 15 working days. At the same time, if you are applying for an executive job with a deadline that is sooner, then we can work to it if you take out our priority service.
While we can work to deadlines, if you order our priority service then we would still recommend that you give us as much time as possible to work on your CV, because just like anything else of quality, good CV writing inevitably takes time, and it is best not to rush.
What format will it be in?
We will send you your CV in the format that most employers prefer; namely MS Word format (and PDF format as well if you prefer). Additionally, while we would recommend that you take the advice of your consultant regarding length, if you do have a particular preference for length, please let us know when you order, and we can work with that in mind. We can also create two different length versions for you, for example a higher impact one page CV and a more detailed longer CV.
What if I want any changes?
Requests for changes are relatively rare, and especially considering that we do not send out your curriculum vitae until we are fully satisfied with it ourselves.
Even so, if you do want changes relating to the initial remit, then we are happy to accommodate this as part of our free after sales service.
One point of note here is that now and again a client will request a change that is actually counter-productive, and will make things worse. When this happens, rather than just make the change willy-nilly to the possible detriment of the client's job prospects, we tend to point out the potential consequences, and explain the reasons why it is potentially disadvantageous - whilst at the same time offering to make the changes anyway. In many cases clients change their mind when they see the potential adverse knock-on effects, but ultimately it is up to the individual, and if you do want changes then by all means we are happy to make them for you.
Ultimately, we not only want you to be very successful with your applications, but we also want you to be absolutely delighted with our service.
And we are sure you will be!